Become a Member or Make a Donation

We encourage you to become a member and join us in our projects and activities that contribute to Mana Island’s restoration.

As a Friends of Mana Island member you will receive:

      • Newsletters sent direct to your inbox about Friends of Mana Island’s projects and activities.
      • Emails about volunteering opportunities, in particular for weekend working bees on Mana Island. Members get preference for these.
      • Notice of the Annual General Meeting each year, with the Performance Report and President’s Report.
      • The option to vote at the AGM.
      • Invitations to special conservation events.

You can join Friends of Mana Island in one of three ways:

    1. Email us at with your details (full name, address, email address, phone number, and category of membership), or
    2.  Download this manual form which you can post or email to us.
    3. Fill out the below membership form. After you click submit, this is sent to and we will get in touch.

PAYMENT: You can make a donation or pay your membership fees at any time via electronic banking to Friends of Mana Island Inc., account number 15-3971-0004665-00. Include your full name as a reference.

Membership Form
Account name: Friends of Mana Island Inc. Account number 15-3971-0004665-00. (Remember to include your full name as a reference.) Let us know if you'd like a receipt.