FOMI no longer run weekend guided trips to Mana Island for visitors. If you are interested in booking a trip to the island, you can do this through the Go Mana website (

The information below gives some general information about what you might experience, based on FOMI’s trips in the past.

Our self-guided trail around Mana Island

If you would like to walk around the island without a guide, Friends of Mana Island has produced a brochure. It is available in the woolshed on the island, with a map. Or you can download and print both items before you visit:

The Experience

Read comments from previous visitors with FOMI to see what a trip to Mana Island is like.

The boat trip takes 20 minutes. Upon landing, if your walk is guided, the guide will take you around the island and provide information about the many highlights. This includes historical information as well as details about the restoration projects, current activities and wildlife.

From the top of the island there are great views of the South Island, Kapiti Island, Makara wind turbines and more. You can stop for lunch along the way.

Guided walks can take up to about 4 to 4 1/2 hours. The walk requires a reasonable level of fitness with some hill tracks. This includes a steep climb for 30 to 40 minutes.

Or you may decide to stay on the lower areas of the island or just go at your own pace. There are self-guided brochures available from FOMI for this. 

How to visit

Book your spot by visiting Go Mana website (

Biosecurity on the island

Mana Island is predator free and it is vital that it remains this way. Please read the biosecurity information from DOC below:

How to clean your gear, pack your lunch before the trip – ready for the biosecurity check-  describes how to make sure you don’t bring any unwanted seeds, pests, rodents on to the island. Your guide will help with these checks.

Also – Rodent control on Mana – describes the measures used by DoC on Mana Island, including the use of brodifocoum.

This article about Argentine ants on the Kapiti Coast illustrates why our biosecurity rules are so important.

Facilities on the island

There are toilets located near the boat landing place.

Make sure you bring enough water and food for the day as there are no supplies for visitors to the island.

Department of Conservation information about Mana Island

DOC have a web page about Mana Island with a fact sheet and other info.

An island pests brochure from DOC outlines how to help protect New Zealand’s offshore islands from pest animals, plants and insects.

Friends of Mana Island wish you a very enjoyable visit to the island!

The background  information and  advice about what to bring was superb and we all commented on how well organised the whole trip was. We took our grandkids and we  had a fantastic time. A very memorable trip for us all.”

– Gordon (visited on a FOMI-guided trip)

Visitor, March 2018