by | Apr 16, 2021 | Uncategorized
The fernbirds are everywhere! In April 2019, FOMI transferred 40 mātātā /North Island fernbirds from Rotokare Scenic Reserve in South Taranaki to Mana Island. Our translocation report noted that: “This was an extremely successful translocation. Post-release...
by | Apr 16, 2021 | Uncategorized
Earlier this year Colin Miskelly produced a proposal to resurrect the 5-minute bird count surveys on Mana. The island is the focus of one of the most comprehensive ecological restoration programmes in New Zealand. However, there is little information published on how...
by | Apr 16, 2021 | Uncategorized
Late in 2020 Colin Miskelly proposed a one-off survey of speargrass weevils on Mana Island for early 2021. The expectation was for similar surveys to be undertaken occasionally (e.g. at 3–5 year intervals) to assess whether speargrass weevils are being impacted by the...
by | Apr 8, 2021 | Uncategorized
The weather in the lead up to this trip plus the changing forecasts raised doubts over whether the trip would proceed. Eliot was keen around midday Friday for us leave earlier as winds were forecast to rise later – they certainly did too. It was quite a rough trip...
by | Apr 8, 2021 | Uncategorized
Now back at level 1 we were able to take a full complement of 17. It was back to sharing smaller spaces and noisier, but as usual a friendly and good natured group. There were many new faces on this trip. Most joined Will on his critter search, Friday night at...
by | Sep 27, 2020 | Uncategorized
Under COVID Level 2 our numbers were restricted to 10 volunteers. High winds and unfavourable tides on the Friday brought our trip forward to midday. Only 1 person had to drop out, leaving a party of 9. DOC ranger Nick told us about successful takahe transfers onto...